I am posting a copy of information that is so vital to understand. Many companies out there are trying to compete with Young Living but they simply can't. To understand why please start by reading part I below,
A Look at Young Living Therapeutic Grade, Part I
Young Living members already know that Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ (YLTG) essential oils are the highest quality and most therapeutic. But achieving this high standard requires years of experience from experts like Gary Young, and results in part by farming and distilling many of our own essential oils. Even our four farms aren’t big enough to produce all the oils demanded by our customers, not to mention that some products only grow in unique, remote climate regions (i.e. frankincense only grows within specific areas of the Middle East). So to maintain YLTG standards—no matter where an essential oil is grown or distilled—our experts apply the lessons learned on Young Living farms to make personal, on-site visits across the globe, ensuring that partner growers and distillers meet our world-class standard.
Once the oils are sent to our research center in Spanish Fork, Utah, we determine which oils qualify for the YLTG requirements through a multi-step process that consistently delivers superior products. Part of this process involves scientific purity tests. The research center experts run every batch of essential oils through seven technical tests that determine if an oil qualifies to be a YLTG product.
The first test is called Gas Chromatography (often referred to as GC). The GC test measures the individual chemical components of an essential oil by sending samples through a metal tube. As the oil spirals around the tube, it begins to “flash off” or evaporate. The evaporation points of each chemical are measured and compared to the YLTG specification standard for that oil. If components of that oil don’t measure up, the entire batch is rejected. That’s good news for Young Living essential oil consumers, but bad news for unsuspecting buyers elsewhere. That’s because partner distillers who don’t meet the YLTG qualifications take their rejected oil and sell it to other essential oil companies with lower standards.
In future blog posts I’ll review the other six tests Young Living uses to qualify its YLTG essential oils. Knowing and understanding these purity tests will give you added confidence that Young Living truly is the world leader in essential oils.