Monday, October 29, 2012

Essential Oils: Dermatitis Is Almost A Thing Of The Past

Essential Oils: Dermatitis Is Almost A Thing Of The Past

Many people have problems with Dermatitis and forms of it.   So do your self a huge favor and understand that the body is lacking something, most likely Sulfur.   Now that is not the Sulfa in anti biotic form that a lot of people are sensitive to.  This is Sulfur that occurs in fresh foods and vegetables.  Unfortunately you have to go out and pick your veggies fresh because  within about 10 to 15 minutes the sulfur dissipates much like like the Vitamin C on our oranges once cut.   Therefore I have discovered that any issues that have to do with hair, skin, or nails is made better with a product we have called Sulfurzyme.   It is also good for people with chemical sensitivities to help combat that as well.  It takes care of scar tissue too.  It is a great product.  

It comes in a bottle with 300 capsules because you can take up to 10 a day if need be, spread out through out the day.  Do yourself a favor and learn more about all of our products at Young Living.

Charla Sirtoff
630 759 5494

Friday, October 26, 2012

Benefits of Diffusing

Benefits of Diffusing

The easiest and simplest way of putting essential oils into the air for inhalation is to use an aromatic diffuser. A cold air diffuser uses room-temperature air to blow the oil up against some kind of nebulizer. This breaks the oils up into a micro-fine mist that is then dispersed into the air. The oils, with their oxygenating molecules, will then remain suspended for several hours to freshen and improve the quality of the air. The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties of the oils kill bacteria and help reduce fungus and mold. Essential oils, when diffused, have been found to reduce the amount of airborne chemicals and metallics as well as help to create greater spiritual, physical, and emotional harmony.

Recommended Diffusing Time

While a diffuser can run continuously until it is out of oil, the greatest therapeutic benefit is received by diffusing oils for only 10 minutes out of an hour so that the olfactory system has time to recover before receiving more oils. This also helps to conserve your oils. A simple way to do this is to use a programmable timer that can automatically turn on your diffuser each hour for 10 minutes.

Oils for Air Purification

Diffusing essential oils in the home or work place is one of the best ways to purify our environment. The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties of the oils, along with the negative ions and oxygenating molecules that are released when essential oils are diffused, all help to reduce chemicals, bacteria, and metallics in the air.

Cinnamon bark, mountain savory, oregano, and Thieves (a blend by Young Living Essential Oils), were all tested by Weber State University and were shown to kill 99.96% of the airborne bacteria present when diffused into the atmosphere.

The information above is from the Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie & Alan Higley, and from KID-Radio broadcast, March 5, 1996 with Lance Richardson & Gary Young.

Negative Ions

Negative ions are produced naturally by wind and rain. They help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which controls rest, relaxation, digestion, and sleep. If you live in a stressful environment, or an environment full of electronic equipment (which produce positive ions), the diffusion of negatively ionizing oils can help balance the ions in the air and produce a more stress free environment.

Oils that ionize negatively when diffused include: bergamot, cedarwood, citronella, eucalyptus (citriodora), grapefruit, lavandin, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, mandarin, orange, patchouly, & sandalwood.

Positive Ions

Positive ions are produced by electronic equipment and are typically found in man-made environments. They help stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, necessary for recovering, strengthening, and energizing. If you live in an environment with an over-abundance of negative ions, such as in the country or by the ocean, you may benefit greatly by diffusing positively ionizing oils.

Oils that ionize positively when diffused into the air include: cajeput, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, frankincense, helichrysum, juniper, marjoram, melaleuca (quinquenervia), palmarosa, pine, ravensara, rosemary, thyme, & ylang ylang.

Oils for the Season: Fall/Winter

Fall and winter connote an earthy, heavy scent, rich with the traditions and memories of the holidays.

Oils that work well during this time include: cinnamon bark, pine, cedar, cedarwood, fir, frankincense, juniper, myrrh, orange, sandalwood, vetiver, nutmeg, oregano, spruce, tangerine, & thyme.

Oils for the Season: Spring/Summer

Spring and summer connote a light, airy scent, full of life, energy, and possibly a hint of romance!

Oils that work well during this time include: cardamom, citronella, coriander, eucalyptus, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, jasmine, lemon, peppermint, rose, spearmint, & ylang ylang.

Charla Sirtoff 

Kill Bacteria and Viruses Naturally

Essential Oils are available both as "singles" and "blends." Singles are a specific plant (such as rose or ylang ylang) and a blend is the combination of two or more single oils. In this message, I will share information about a very popular oil blend; Thieves.

In ancient times, sweet smelling oils were respected more for medicinal properties than scent, while today the opposite is true. Most of modern society is ignoring the greatest attributes of essential oils--their health-giving properties.

The History of Thieves™
Europeans began producing essential oils in the 12th century. During the Plague of the 15th century, certain thieves were able to rob the dead without fear of becoming infected by the terrible disease. After being captured and charged with robbing the dead and dying victims of the plague, the thieves were offered a deal. The magistrate offered them leniency if they would reveal how they managed to avoid contracting the dreaded infection, in spite of their close proximity with the infected corpses. They disclosed that they were perfumers and spice traders, and that they had rubbed themselves with a concoction of aromatic herbs (cinnamon, and clove).

Thieves™ Blend was found to have a 99.6 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria!

When Ancient Tradition Links with Modern Society: Thieves™ Blend Fast forward - 20th century, Young Living Essential Oils begins testing Thieves™ Blend, a proprietary combination of cinnamon, clove and rosemary essential oils for its potent antimicrobial properties. Thieves™ Blend was found to have a 99.6 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria. According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference (Essential Science Publishing, page 125), Studies conducted at Weber State University during 1997 showed the antibacterial effectiveness of this blend against airborne microorganisms."

Thieves™ Blend Product Line: Kill Bacteria - Naturally.

Thieves™ Blend is so effective and popular - that there is an entire line of germ fighting products to choose from: Sore Throat Lozenges; Household Cleansing Spray; Bar Soap; Foaming Hand Soap; Toothpaste; and Mouthwash.

"Our family uses Thieves™ Blend.  I get everyone I know to use this blend and especially the school teachers I know it works great in the class room. 

Charla Sirtoff
630 759 5494
For more information and how to order click here click here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Importance of Enzymes

I am not sure people think too much about enzymes these days or how important they are.   Let me say this, if you suffer from some strange issues that are not really serious but are annoying you might want to think about adding enzymes to your diet.  

Early Signs of enzyme deficiency:  Heartburn, gas, bloating, fatigue, headaches, stomachaches, diarrhea,  constipation, yeast infections, nutritional deficiencies, pain, joint stiffness, skin eruptions. psoriasis, eczema, and colon, liver, pancreas, and intestinal problems, these are just a few issues. 

If you do have any of these issues you might want to pay attention.  We stop producing enough enzymes to digest our food and maintain good health in our system at about age of 27.  So it is said that old age starts then.   You don't heal as quickly either.  Enzymes are important for every body function. 

How are enzymes destroyed or rendered inactive?  Planting, growing and cultivating food grown with chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides will produce food devoid of enzymes.  

Heat destroyes enzymes as well, they breakdown starting at 118 degrees and are totally destroyed at 129 degrees. 

Pasteurization sterilization, microwaving, chemical processing for freezing, and any other modern processes kill the enzymes or render them inactive. 

An amazing study with 900 cats was done by Dr. Francis Poettenger, Jr., he fed one group of cats raw mile and meat.  They lived healthy and disease free.  They produced healthy litters generation after generation.  He fed another group pasteurized mild and cooked food.  After the first generation, this group became lethargic and began to suffer from allergies, infections and other diseases including heart, kidney, and lung diseases.  Each generation of cats that ate cooked food suffered more diseases.  By the third generation the cats were unable to reproduce.    Does that sound like our human race today too?  More and more people are becoming unable to have children.   When they do many suffer allergies and many conditions much worse.  

Another study showed that after eating cooked food, the human body reacted just as if suffering from an acute illness,  Within 30 minutes of eating cooked food, white blood cell counts increased dramatically.   It seems like the body was fighting off an infectious disease.   Now I am not telling you to eat raw meat although I do know people who do and are doing very well.  What I am telling you is that without the enzymes the body doesn't know what to do.  

Obesity is another area of concern.  Another study that was don at Tufts University by Dr. David Galton found that almost all people that were overweight were lacking lipase enzyme in their fatty tissues.  Lipase, found abundantly in raw foods, is a fat-splitting enzyme that aids the body in digestion.  Lipase activity breaks down and dissolves fat throughout the body.  Without Lipase, fats are kept and storied in tissues.  We it is manifest around the waistline, hips, and thighs. 

Most of our food is processed and devoid of nutrients and enzymes, so seeing a deterioration of our health is evident.  Even our fresh fruits and vegetables are grown in polluted water and air and sprayed with a host of chemicals fro pesticide and herbicide control.  

Enzyme supplementation is our modern day solution.  Science has been able to produce a high quality enzymes that can be absorbed and used. 

Young Living has several great enzymes.  One is called Essentialzyme-4, this enzyme is created to help digest your food and at the same time have some enzymes left to become systemic enzyme for use in your bodily processes.   They come pre packaged in a group of 2.  You take them both with each meal. One realizes right away the other releases later.  

When you take enzymes how much should you take?  It is highly unlikely that you will take too many.  You must use common sense.  You can't do anything wrong your body will tell you by how you feel and by the increase in energy you might experience. Pay attention also to an increase of clarity of thought awareness, ability to respond faster.    Feeling less tired at the end of the day.  These are all indicators that things are working better in the body.  Minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and water must all be present and work together for a balanced process of nutrient conversion, absorption, utilization.  

To get your enzymes click on the website link order Essentialzyme-4 that number is 4645.   It wasn't available as yet to showcase on my site.  

You become a member to either order retail, (free) or distributor ( pick a kit) or if that all seems confusing call me. 

 As you can see there are essential oils in this product as well.   They support enzyme conversion and increase oxygen for the uptake of ATP (adenoine triphosphate, one of the most important molecule that iexists in the body.) ATP provides the chemical energy of fuel within the cells for all processes of human metabolism.  Enzymes and essential oils work in a synergisitc way to promote a healthier digestive system.  
Charla Sirtoff         
630 759 5494

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Welness Purpose Abundance

Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance have you heard that before? where?  Yes it is Something that Young Living Essential Oils coined.   I am repeating this here because it is something to think about, and I believe why so many people get sick and stay sick.  

What is Wellness?
 It is something that Young Living believes that each and every individual has the capacity, and the responsibility, to take ownership of, that is improving their physical health.   Therefore, Young Living provides the information, insight, and products we all need to adopt a healthier lifestyle.    Did you get that point?  We individually take ownership.   That is something that I always believed.  It is not the doctors that own our health, it is ours to own.   It is ours to understand.  

What is Purpose?
Once we take ownership of our health, what do we do with that?  We then are obligated to conduct ourselves according to the universal principle of "givers gain" and  believe great happiness is found in reaching out and living a life of contribution.   What does that really mean?  I suppose that will mean different things to everyone, but I feel it means that we help others learn how to take responsibility of their own health as well by pointing them to a great company like Young Living.  

What is Abundance?
Abundance is overflowing fullness.   That too is going to mean different things to different people.   Whatever your definition to that question, it all really does start with your wellness.  That is more than not being sick, it is feeling so good you are ready, willing and able to live life to the full. 

Young Living has an oil called Abundance and when you put on that oil it is good to think about the area in which you want abundance to flow, better health, better relationships, more money?  what ever it means to you. 

Charla Sirtoff
630 759 5494