This combination of oils has helped so many people post surgery. It doesn't matter what the surgery was either. My experience was with having a couple of infected teeth pulled, it worked very nicely and I healed faster. By the way, did you know that pain medications slow down the healing process? Below is a formula that not only takes the discomfort out but allows you to heal. I also used Inner Defense for the infection, that worked very well also.
Here is a recipe Gary Young has used after surgery with great
success for many.
10 drops Vetiver
10 drops Valerian
5 drops Helichrysum
5 drops Clove
5 drops Peppermint.
What I did is mix it all together in a glass of water and sipped on it. The peppermint makes it more palatable. Or fix this ahead of time in a bottle then put in empty capsules and take as needed.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Four oils for balance
Four essential oils to keep you happy, healthy and balanced for the Holidays.
Valor: This unique blend balances energies to instill courage, confidence, and self-esteem.
Harmony: This oil blend will bring you into harmony with all things. It is beneficial in reducing stress and amplifying well-being.It is also uplifting and elevating to the mind creating a positive attitude.
Joy: This blend produces a magnetic energy to bring joy to the heart, mind, and soul. It helps you to overcome deep seated grief and depression.
White Angelica: The frequency of this blend neutralizes negative energy and gives a feeling of protection and security.
Valor: This unique blend balances energies to instill courage, confidence, and self-esteem.
Harmony: This oil blend will bring you into harmony with all things. It is beneficial in reducing stress and amplifying well-being.It is also uplifting and elevating to the mind creating a positive attitude.
Joy: This blend produces a magnetic energy to bring joy to the heart, mind, and soul. It helps you to overcome deep seated grief and depression.
White Angelica: The frequency of this blend neutralizes negative energy and gives a feeling of protection and security.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Warning: Only try this with Young Living Essential Oils
Today I am going to talk about internal use of essential oils. Why would we want to use them internally? There are many reasons but the best reason is to get them inside and let them work on infections or on ulcers or any internal problems that you may be experiencing. What reasons specifically? A few ideas would be ear infections, lung infections, bronchial infections. I have used them on all these issues and they work.
Another example would be pain relief, again I have used a combination of Helichrysum, Valerian, Vetiver, and peppermint when I had a tooth pulled, it worked wonderfully to manage the discomfort. Clove right on the tooth took all the discomfort out to begin with. However the infection had gotten into the root of the tooth the reason it needed to be gone to begin with. I also used a combination of oils to keep the infection from spreading throughout my system once the tooth was pulled. I used one of Young Living's products called Inner Defense which has a combination of oils to fight infection, in an enteric coated capsule. It worked extremely well the best of all no side effects like anti biotic creates.
Like I said to start with only Young Living Essential Oils are safe enough to take internally. Young Living oils are the purest of the pure because they produce most of their own. Let me know if you would like more information on how to use the oils and what they can do. Leave me a note or see
Another example would be pain relief, again I have used a combination of Helichrysum, Valerian, Vetiver, and peppermint when I had a tooth pulled, it worked wonderfully to manage the discomfort. Clove right on the tooth took all the discomfort out to begin with. However the infection had gotten into the root of the tooth the reason it needed to be gone to begin with. I also used a combination of oils to keep the infection from spreading throughout my system once the tooth was pulled. I used one of Young Living's products called Inner Defense which has a combination of oils to fight infection, in an enteric coated capsule. It worked extremely well the best of all no side effects like anti biotic creates.
Like I said to start with only Young Living Essential Oils are safe enough to take internally. Young Living oils are the purest of the pure because they produce most of their own. Let me know if you would like more information on how to use the oils and what they can do. Leave me a note or see
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Topical Application of Essential Oils
This time I would like to talk about topical application of the oils. We at Young Living have learned that most oils can be put directly on the skin which we call "neat". That means with out dilution. I have never had a problem with that but always check with people and tell them they can mix with a good carrier oil of any of the oils seem "hot" to them. The oils itself will cut the feel of the heat.
An example of a hot oil is Lemongrass or Oregano to name two. When you are not sure of where to put an oil always the bottom of the feet are best. I personally put oils where ever they seem to be needed. If my back is bothering me I put the oils directly on my back, or knee or wherever you feel a need. I am also big on putting oils around my neck area or chest so that I can smell or breathe them in.
I at first put a lot of oils under my arm pits which you can also do but just make sure it isn't after a hot shower or bath and you shaved your arm pits that is a mistake I made, only once. Here is where the carrier oil comes in real handy.
We never want to put oils in our eyes or ears. If you do get oils in your eye again a carrier oil will help solve any problems with that. The oils will not harm your eye but it can sting. I have put Lavender on the lid of my eye when I have gotten a sty, it took the sty away in a matter of just a few hours.
We have a technique called raindrop and in that technique several oils go right on the spine and or the muscles of the spine. I have had this many times without any burning to my skin but again for fair haired people you always want to check with them if they are too hot.
One word of caution is that any of the citrus oils can be sun sensitive meaning it could darken the pigment of your skin, it is always wise not to put then on and then go out into the direct sun. That is the case where I put them under my clothing.
Any questions, let me know, any comments please post, I would love to hear your stories.
Next time we will talk about internal use of essential oils.
Happy oiling.
An example of a hot oil is Lemongrass or Oregano to name two. When you are not sure of where to put an oil always the bottom of the feet are best. I personally put oils where ever they seem to be needed. If my back is bothering me I put the oils directly on my back, or knee or wherever you feel a need. I am also big on putting oils around my neck area or chest so that I can smell or breathe them in.
I at first put a lot of oils under my arm pits which you can also do but just make sure it isn't after a hot shower or bath and you shaved your arm pits that is a mistake I made, only once. Here is where the carrier oil comes in real handy.
We never want to put oils in our eyes or ears. If you do get oils in your eye again a carrier oil will help solve any problems with that. The oils will not harm your eye but it can sting. I have put Lavender on the lid of my eye when I have gotten a sty, it took the sty away in a matter of just a few hours.
We have a technique called raindrop and in that technique several oils go right on the spine and or the muscles of the spine. I have had this many times without any burning to my skin but again for fair haired people you always want to check with them if they are too hot.
One word of caution is that any of the citrus oils can be sun sensitive meaning it could darken the pigment of your skin, it is always wise not to put then on and then go out into the direct sun. That is the case where I put them under my clothing.
Any questions, let me know, any comments please post, I would love to hear your stories.
Next time we will talk about internal use of essential oils.
Happy oiling.
Monday, September 6, 2010
How to use Essential Oils

Hi and welcome, I want to share just a few essential oil basics because I get asked about this all the time.
First of all there are 3 ways to experience essential oils.
Here they are: Inhalation
Topical application
Internal consumption
I am going to tackle these one at a time.
Inhalation is a great way to get essential oils into the system. When inhaling an oil it can actually penetrate into the brain by crossing the Blood Brain Barrier. I find that fascinating. Think about it, you can actually cleanse your brain. Don't think you need to, well think again. You have heard about all the brain tumors, and neurological disorders we all face today, could it be we have bombarded our brains with way too many chemicals? Think about it, what is in the air you breathe?
Put a drop on your hands and just take deep breaths, or you can use a cold air diffuser. Another way is to put some drops on cotton balls and place in your air register. When the furnace blower is on it will waft the molecules all around your home.
This month brain power is 10% off. Don't you think you owe it to your brain?
To order go to
Stay tuned for part 2 which will be topical application.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
What should I eat?
I get asked all the time what should I feed my pet? Well what do you eat? Do you eat healthy? Or do you eat premixed and prepacked foods? Feeding kibble is like eating hot dogs everyday, how healthy would we be? The time is now to eat as close to real foods as we can. That includes our animals also. Where do we start? Very simply, think about a nice green leafy salad, with a lot of variety of raw vegetables along with it. Most of us need a little protein with that maybe a chicken breast or turkey, some can enjoy a nice steak. Believe it or not our animals like variety as well. There are some nice blends of raw food diets out there for our them. You need to find a pet specialty store in your area and you will find these kinds of foods. There are also dehydrated blends that work nicely too adding in some protein for them.
What does this all have to do with essential oils, well in case you didn't know the oils I sell can be used in your favorite recipes. Instead of using a dried herb you can use an essential oil in its place. This way you know you are receiving the energy of the herb as well. The oil is not dehydrated like an herb is which causes it to loose its life force. The oil is the life blood of the plant, it is so much better to use the oil because it is extremely compatible with our chemistry.
When cooking with an essential oil you wait until your food is almost ready then taking a tooth pick dip into the orifice of the bottle and stir your food with the tooth pick. Believe it or not that is all you need when using Oregano, Sage, or thyme to name a few oils. If you add before you cook the food you will heat the oil too much and it will evaporate out. Lemon oil is a little different than the oils mentioned previously. I especially like to marinate a chicken breast or fish in lemon oil before cooking that works really nice and the lemon taste remains during cooking, giving your food a wonderful refreshing real lemon taste.
What does this all have to do with essential oils, well in case you didn't know the oils I sell can be used in your favorite recipes. Instead of using a dried herb you can use an essential oil in its place. This way you know you are receiving the energy of the herb as well. The oil is not dehydrated like an herb is which causes it to loose its life force. The oil is the life blood of the plant, it is so much better to use the oil because it is extremely compatible with our chemistry.
When cooking with an essential oil you wait until your food is almost ready then taking a tooth pick dip into the orifice of the bottle and stir your food with the tooth pick. Believe it or not that is all you need when using Oregano, Sage, or thyme to name a few oils. If you add before you cook the food you will heat the oil too much and it will evaporate out. Lemon oil is a little different than the oils mentioned previously. I especially like to marinate a chicken breast or fish in lemon oil before cooking that works really nice and the lemon taste remains during cooking, giving your food a wonderful refreshing real lemon taste.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Young Living Farms in Ecuador
I went, I saw, it was fabulous. What other oil company is doing this but Young Living. I can tell you none, nada.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Young Living Essential Oils Seed to Seal Video
Young Living Essential Oils Seed to Seal Video
This video will help you understand why we are so passionate about Young Living Essential oils, no other company in the world does what Young Living does or goes where Young Living goes, watch and enjoy.
This video will help you understand why we are so passionate about Young Living Essential oils, no other company in the world does what Young Living does or goes where Young Living goes, watch and enjoy.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Young Living Free Lavender Summer Essentials Kit
Young Living Free Lavender Summer Essentials Kit
A great time to get started with Young Living and earn points for free products, the above is the promotion for this month. I can't wait until mine comes.
A great time to get started with Young Living and earn points for free products, the above is the promotion for this month. I can't wait until mine comes.
Friday, July 9, 2010
a good reason to swith to Young Living Thieves line of cleaners
If ever there was a good reason to switch to Young Living's Thieves line of cleaning products and personal care products it is the above clip.
For more information on how to order to go you can order either retail or wholesale and sign up with the Thieves stater kit, you will be glad you did.

Statements from Gary Young:
There are several varieties of Frankincense trees and therefore varieties of Frankincense Resin, but Young Living uses only the purest resin and I "Gary" know the differences between them all. We chose the very best resin that has been harvested properly and then distilled properly. There are many Frankincense resin's, but most grades are only good enough for perfumes, yet many companies use them as Essential Oils and claim they are pure when indeed they are not. There is not a pure Frankincense that is sold in the U.S.! EXCEPT FOR YOUNG LIVING DUE TO GARY YOUNG'S QUEST FOR THE BEST....WE ARE THE ONLY COMPANY WITH THE BEST!
Quote: "Most companies "selling" Frankincense are just marketers. They do not know the first thing about their products purity. Yet they say they are pure and the best, all the while not knowing this for sure. Basically, they are lying to you".
Quote: "Only in Young Living do you have the best. Only in Young Living do you now have 2 Frankincense's. You now have available to you Frankincense Boswellia carteri (For Immune System) and our new Sacred Frankincense Boswellia sacra (For spirituality)."
We, Young Living, now have our own distiller in Oman....never before has Frankincense has been shipped from Oman and we are now doing it. Young Living is the only company that has proven, tested, pure Frankincense oil. We distill our Frankincense Boswellia carteri in Kenya and Spain.
Young Living members are the only people in the world that has the Boswellia Sacra Oil from Oman. In Ancient days, only the royalty had the ability to have this product. You Now Have It!
Burning the Frankincense sacra resin was a tradition of people for 10,000 years. Ancient people were closer to God and lived their religion 24/7. And Frankincense was part of their everyday lives. The smoke coming from the burning of the resin assesses the emotions working on depression and anxiety. The people of old used it to purify their clothing and bedding getting rid of (killing) sand fleas, lice, ticks, mold and bacteria.
Gary stated that what Young Living is doing in Oman is his "Dream". To be able to:
1. Collect resin from location...knowing you are collecting the resin at the right time and to get all components from the resin in the EO.
2. Distill resin on location
3. To know we have the purest quality of resin available.
4. Knowing then that we have the purest quality of oil possible.
The 3rd cut of resin from the Frankincense tree is the better resin. Collection of the resin must be a sustainable process; we don't want the trees destroyed.
Frankincense is replacing steroids that are being use in our bodies. Steroids are caustic to live and the body itself, damaging the thyroid and parathyroid, damaging to the immune system. Frankincense has no side effects.
Emotions play a part in the degeneration of our bodies, our emotions. Emotions cause inflammation. Frankincense plays an important part in repairing our bodies and emotion state.
In 3 years, Frankincense could be used as chemotherapy....frankincense
oil as a whole (he thinks strongly) can be used for cancer therapy and used for chemo prevention.
Chew Frankincense resin and make teeth strong. Gary would like to formulate Frankincense toothpaste.....maybe sometime in the next 2 or 3 years.
Use Frankincense oil for all kinds of arthritis, chest infection, crone's disease, colitis, asthma.
In Yeman in hospitals, when we talked to them, they did not have cancer wards because there were not enough people with cancer. They use Frankincense! Only 4 cases of cancer and those 4 were not from the area of Yeman or Oman, but from outside of the area and just working in they don't count.
Quote Gary: "Frankincense is too beautiful to leave in the bushel basket any longer".
Richard writes:
"Frankincense was the first oil appointed by God himself'' D. Gary Young
Gary talked to us about a Legend on the first day of convention about the old people in Oman and surrounding areas told him. When God put Adam and Eve out of the Garden He gave them 3 things.
1. Frankincense
2. Myrrh
3. Balsam (also know as Gold)
God created different plants for different countries. Palo Santo is the Frankincense for the America's. Frankincense is oil for the old country.
We now have partners that do the distillation of Frankincense. One in Spain who has been with us for a long time and one in Kenya. And now we are the first company to distill in Oman our Sacred Frankincense which is from Boswell sacra. It is the rarest and most sought-after aromatic in existence. A deeper spiritual connection.
Gary reviewed the grading of Frankincense and the different species of Frankincense. To our competition he said "their oils are not even a good joke''. D. Gary Young.
Gary has spent many years (15 plus), in his quest for knowledge and finding the most perfect quality's of Frankincense. Now Young Living has two Frankincense: Boswellia carteri, the one we are used to and Boswellia sacra the new one. Now we have both. Our labs in France, Utah and Ecuador are set up for testing and share results. No company in the world has better testing than Young Living. ''We don't tell you it is a good oil, we prove it'' D. Gary Young. (The Frankincense which many of our competition uses is of poor quality and is more of a perfume grade and has no therapeutic value)
Thank you Rich & Shauna Dastrup for sharing this information!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
5-Step Seed to Seal Process
5-Step Seed to Seal Process
Click on the link above, but first, the read the comment below.
I wanted to share this because everyone needs to understand what goes into producing a quality essential oils. We need to understand that these oils work because of their quality. It is very important to understand this. If you would like to become a member to do so you need to be invited, and I am inviting you. To let Young Living know that you will need my member number and that is 468819, when asked who is your sponsor and enroller, that would be me.
Click on the link above, but first, the read the comment below.
I wanted to share this because everyone needs to understand what goes into producing a quality essential oils. We need to understand that these oils work because of their quality. It is very important to understand this. If you would like to become a member to do so you need to be invited, and I am inviting you. To let Young Living know that you will need my member number and that is 468819, when asked who is your sponsor and enroller, that would be me.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I get asked all the time about allergies. Many people have this problem in one form or another. Allergies affect everyone differetly, some get that runny nose and itchy eye thing, some get heart palpitations, asthma, and even anaphylactic shock. So what do we do? First of all understand that the reaction is a reaction to the proteins of the substance. A pure therapueutic grade essential oils is free from the proteins of the whole plant. In fact a person could be allergic to a certain plant like goldenrod, but have no allgertic reation to the oil distilled from that plant since the oil itself contains no protein or amino acids that are the true source of the reactions to that plant. Simply that means you just can't be allergic to a pure grade essential oils. (See past posts) That is why I stick with Young Living because I know the lengths they go to making sure we have the best oils.
Now, that said I want to help you understand yet one more piece to the puzzle and that is our emotions. In today's world and especially if you watch and believe the news (another subject entirely) you are allowing emotions to be stirred up within yourself. Couple that with everyday living and your mental attitude, if you live in a chronically negative emotional state, like fear, anxiety, or even greif you haven't addressed, that will depress the production of interleukin 2. When that happens the immune system function is compromised. Interleukin 2 enables the immune system to distinguish good proteins from harmful ones. So without interleukin 2 the immune system will mistake harmless substances for harmful one and create antibodies which result in allergic reactions.
So are you understanding so far that our emotions play a huge roll? How can you change your state of mind? Many essential oils are emotionally releasing, which allows you to get to the root of the problem. Many Young Living oils have this ability. Frankinsence, Joy, Valor, Harmony, to name a few. One combination of oils that many use is as follows, Valor, Harmony, Joy, and White Angelica, I personally use that and also interchange Sacred Mountain for the White Angelica. Valor has Frankincense in it.
To put the pieces together then, since essential oils can address issues at both the emotional and cellular level, you can understand why many people will say that their allergies have disappeared after they began to use the oils on a regular basis.
Now many people when they begin to use the oils say they are allgergic to them you can see from the forgoing that it is simply not the case. Have you ever heard the expression, "sometimes you have to get worse before you get better"? When a person starts to use essential oils we recommend they start slowly because the oil molecules are so tiny they do absorb right into the cells pushing out all the yukkies in the cell. I always tell people to drink a lot of water to flush all that out of the system. Do that and you will be on your way to better health with no allergies. Remember there are hundreds of autoimmune diseases, an allergy is just one of them.
Now, that said I want to help you understand yet one more piece to the puzzle and that is our emotions. In today's world and especially if you watch and believe the news (another subject entirely) you are allowing emotions to be stirred up within yourself. Couple that with everyday living and your mental attitude, if you live in a chronically negative emotional state, like fear, anxiety, or even greif you haven't addressed, that will depress the production of interleukin 2. When that happens the immune system function is compromised. Interleukin 2 enables the immune system to distinguish good proteins from harmful ones. So without interleukin 2 the immune system will mistake harmless substances for harmful one and create antibodies which result in allergic reactions.
So are you understanding so far that our emotions play a huge roll? How can you change your state of mind? Many essential oils are emotionally releasing, which allows you to get to the root of the problem. Many Young Living oils have this ability. Frankinsence, Joy, Valor, Harmony, to name a few. One combination of oils that many use is as follows, Valor, Harmony, Joy, and White Angelica, I personally use that and also interchange Sacred Mountain for the White Angelica. Valor has Frankincense in it.
To put the pieces together then, since essential oils can address issues at both the emotional and cellular level, you can understand why many people will say that their allergies have disappeared after they began to use the oils on a regular basis.
Now many people when they begin to use the oils say they are allgergic to them you can see from the forgoing that it is simply not the case. Have you ever heard the expression, "sometimes you have to get worse before you get better"? When a person starts to use essential oils we recommend they start slowly because the oil molecules are so tiny they do absorb right into the cells pushing out all the yukkies in the cell. I always tell people to drink a lot of water to flush all that out of the system. Do that and you will be on your way to better health with no allergies. Remember there are hundreds of autoimmune diseases, an allergy is just one of them.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Ningxia Red

There are many benefits of drinking 1 oz of NingXia Red everyday. NingXia Red provides more nutrient activity and more health; you will feel the difference.
PROVEN, not pretending.
NingXia Red™ not only claims to be one of a kind, it has the numbers and the research to prove it. After all, your health is too important to trust with products only pretending to be something extraordinary. S-ORAC measures a product’s ability to destroy the most dangerous amongst the free radicals – Superoxide. Free radicals are linked to heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and asthma.

The ingredients in NingXia are organic, and all-natural; they're good for you. In my next post, I'll include a list of the ingredients. After reading more about these ingredients - I think you'll agree - you should be drinking an ounce of juice every day.
I personally drink 2 to 2.5 ozs a day, and feel better than I did 30 years ago.
It’s my pleasure to share more personal testimonials about Ningxia Red with you. In their own words:
“My name is Bridget D’Arco, RN, RYT. I have been using Young Living's all natural, organic products, since 2001. Needless to say- I fell in love with them immediately. I began drinking THE Juice 2 years ago, and immediately noticed a significant improvement in my energy level. What I have especially observed is that when I drink the NingXia - I have lots of energy, and if I do not drink it - I take a nap in the middle of the day……!” Yours in Health, Bridget D’Arco RN, RYT
"NingXia Red, from Young Living has transformed my life at age 63 into a supercharged dynamo. Several of my Earthfest Friends and Business Partners, at much younger ages than me are always asking how I can Out Hike, Stay out in the Sunlight Longer, and have more Energy than them at their ages (average probably 35), especially in the heat and sun here in Alabama. I am a Juice Advocate in Every Way." Reverend Jim (LE) Foley
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I am posting a copy of information that is so vital to understand. Many companies out there are trying to compete with Young Living but they simply can't. To understand why please start by reading part I below,
A Look at Young Living Therapeutic Grade, Part I
Young Living members already know that Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ (YLTG) essential oils are the highest quality and most therapeutic. But achieving this high standard requires years of experience from experts like Gary Young, and results in part by farming and distilling many of our own essential oils. Even our four farms aren’t big enough to produce all the oils demanded by our customers, not to mention that some products only grow in unique, remote climate regions (i.e. frankincense only grows within specific areas of the Middle East). So to maintain YLTG standards—no matter where an essential oil is grown or distilled—our experts apply the lessons learned on Young Living farms to make personal, on-site visits across the globe, ensuring that partner growers and distillers meet our world-class standard.
Once the oils are sent to our research center in Spanish Fork, Utah, we determine which oils qualify for the YLTG requirements through a multi-step process that consistently delivers superior products. Part of this process involves scientific purity tests. The research center experts run every batch of essential oils through seven technical tests that determine if an oil qualifies to be a YLTG product.
The first test is called Gas Chromatography (often referred to as GC). The GC test measures the individual chemical components of an essential oil by sending samples through a metal tube. As the oil spirals around the tube, it begins to “flash off” or evaporate. The evaporation points of each chemical are measured and compared to the YLTG specification standard for that oil. If components of that oil don’t measure up, the entire batch is rejected. That’s good news for Young Living essential oil consumers, but bad news for unsuspecting buyers elsewhere. That’s because partner distillers who don’t meet the YLTG qualifications take their rejected oil and sell it to other essential oil companies with lower standards.
In future blog posts I’ll review the other six tests Young Living uses to qualify its YLTG essential oils. Knowing and understanding these purity tests will give you added confidence that Young Living truly is the world leader in essential oils.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
More on Ocatea
Ocotea Oil: Miracle Oil of the Amazon
(The following is based on an article circulated by the RAINBOW FOREVER TRUST,)
Ocotea esssential oil is extracted from the flowers of the Ocotea quixos tree which is native to the deep Amazon. It has manifested the following properties for some individuals. It is available only from Young living Essential Oils. It is a Godsend for many people with sugar metabolism problems.
1. Lowers Blood Sugar* (Try taking 1-3 drops under tongue every 10 min until blood sugar is normal.)
2. Disinfectant
3. Anesthetic
4. Anti-diarrhea.
5. Antibiotic (transcinnamic aldehyde)
6. Anti-inflammatory (has sesquiterpenes)
7. Can Eliminate Candida and streptococcal infections
8. Works with the liver; balancing metabolism.
(NOTE: The following testimonials have not been verified and are listed for anecdotal value only.)
1. Of 88 children tested- 66 had parasites, 22 had parasites and Candida. 1 drop Ocotea in 8 oz glass of water and diffused. Killed both parasites and Candida.
2. Helps with weight loss. Reduces cravings in the evening-1 drop in evening.
3. Clears fungus on foot. Tea tree didn't work, put on Ocotea just once. 3 days later, the fungus was dead with just one application.
4. 69 year old female, couldn't lower glucose below 150. Ingested 3 drops of Ocotea. Immediate change down to normal. It has been working for her since July. When she gets stressed, glucose goes up. She uses Ocotea, and brings it down. No side effects and feels better than when on the meds. 4 drops sublingually (under tongue) 4x a day for type 1 diabetic. She says she loves the energy it gives her. She's able to focus.
5. One person had a fungal infection on neck and forehead. No creams helped. Dark stain on skin. Tried clove oil. Added Ocotea-50-60% better in a few weeks, and she's had the fungal infection for years.
6. 67 year old female low energy, grumpy, irritable, not feeling well. Couldn't think clearly, cold. Blood sugar 340 on 4/21. Supplements plus Ocotea. By 4/28 down to 210, by 5/7 blood sugar was 140. Such a small amount of Ocotea and such great effect.
7. Impacts emotional state, by insulin balancing, weight release.
8. Janet got diabetes 3 months after being vaccinated at age 4. Continues to improve with Ocotea, proving medical science incorrect. Juvenile diabetes can be corrected!
* NOTE: Many people have found benefits in regulating their blood sugar with Ocotea Oil. However, high blood sugar or diabetes can be due to several different causes, not all of which respond to Ocotea Oil. One will need to experiment on one's self to see if Ocotea is effective in their case or not. The oil is safe to ingest a few drops at a time. No harm can come by experimenting.
How to Obtain Ocotea Oil:
Young Living is the sole source for Ocotea Oil. No other company has it.
Ocotea Oil is Available in a 5 ml Bottle
YL Item No: 3556
Wholesale Price: $29.00
Preferred Customer Price: $33.58
Customer Price: $38.16
(The following is based on an article circulated by the RAINBOW FOREVER TRUST,)
Ocotea esssential oil is extracted from the flowers of the Ocotea quixos tree which is native to the deep Amazon. It has manifested the following properties for some individuals. It is available only from Young living Essential Oils. It is a Godsend for many people with sugar metabolism problems.
1. Lowers Blood Sugar* (Try taking 1-3 drops under tongue every 10 min until blood sugar is normal.)
2. Disinfectant
3. Anesthetic
4. Anti-diarrhea.
5. Antibiotic (transcinnamic aldehyde)
6. Anti-inflammatory (has sesquiterpenes)
7. Can Eliminate Candida and streptococcal infections
8. Works with the liver; balancing metabolism.
(NOTE: The following testimonials have not been verified and are listed for anecdotal value only.)
1. Of 88 children tested- 66 had parasites, 22 had parasites and Candida. 1 drop Ocotea in 8 oz glass of water and diffused. Killed both parasites and Candida.
2. Helps with weight loss. Reduces cravings in the evening-1 drop in evening.
3. Clears fungus on foot. Tea tree didn't work, put on Ocotea just once. 3 days later, the fungus was dead with just one application.
4. 69 year old female, couldn't lower glucose below 150. Ingested 3 drops of Ocotea. Immediate change down to normal. It has been working for her since July. When she gets stressed, glucose goes up. She uses Ocotea, and brings it down. No side effects and feels better than when on the meds. 4 drops sublingually (under tongue) 4x a day for type 1 diabetic. She says she loves the energy it gives her. She's able to focus.
5. One person had a fungal infection on neck and forehead. No creams helped. Dark stain on skin. Tried clove oil. Added Ocotea-50-60% better in a few weeks, and she's had the fungal infection for years.
6. 67 year old female low energy, grumpy, irritable, not feeling well. Couldn't think clearly, cold. Blood sugar 340 on 4/21. Supplements plus Ocotea. By 4/28 down to 210, by 5/7 blood sugar was 140. Such a small amount of Ocotea and such great effect.
7. Impacts emotional state, by insulin balancing, weight release.
8. Janet got diabetes 3 months after being vaccinated at age 4. Continues to improve with Ocotea, proving medical science incorrect. Juvenile diabetes can be corrected!
* NOTE: Many people have found benefits in regulating their blood sugar with Ocotea Oil. However, high blood sugar or diabetes can be due to several different causes, not all of which respond to Ocotea Oil. One will need to experiment on one's self to see if Ocotea is effective in their case or not. The oil is safe to ingest a few drops at a time. No harm can come by experimenting.
How to Obtain Ocotea Oil:
Young Living is the sole source for Ocotea Oil. No other company has it.
Ocotea Oil is Available in a 5 ml Bottle
YL Item No: 3556
Wholesale Price: $29.00
Preferred Customer Price: $33.58
Customer Price: $38.16
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