Statements from Gary Young:
There are several varieties of Frankincense trees and therefore varieties of Frankincense Resin, but Young Living uses only the purest resin and I "Gary" know the differences between them all. We chose the very best resin that has been harvested properly and then distilled properly. There are many Frankincense resin's, but most grades are only good enough for perfumes, yet many companies use them as Essential Oils and claim they are pure when indeed they are not. There is not a pure Frankincense that is sold in the U.S.! EXCEPT FOR YOUNG LIVING DUE TO GARY YOUNG'S QUEST FOR THE BEST....WE ARE THE ONLY COMPANY WITH THE BEST!
Quote: "Most companies "selling" Frankincense are just marketers. They do not know the first thing about their products purity. Yet they say they are pure and the best, all the while not knowing this for sure. Basically, they are lying to you".
Quote: "Only in Young Living do you have the best. Only in Young Living do you now have 2 Frankincense's. You now have available to you Frankincense Boswellia carteri (For Immune System) and our new Sacred Frankincense Boswellia sacra (For spirituality)."
We, Young Living, now have our own distiller in Oman....never before has Frankincense has been shipped from Oman and we are now doing it. Young Living is the only company that has proven, tested, pure Frankincense oil. We distill our Frankincense Boswellia carteri in Kenya and Spain.
Young Living members are the only people in the world that has the Boswellia Sacra Oil from Oman. In Ancient days, only the royalty had the ability to have this product. You Now Have It!
Burning the Frankincense sacra resin was a tradition of people for 10,000 years. Ancient people were closer to God and lived their religion 24/7. And Frankincense was part of their everyday lives. The smoke coming from the burning of the resin assesses the emotions working on depression and anxiety. The people of old used it to purify their clothing and bedding getting rid of (killing) sand fleas, lice, ticks, mold and bacteria.
Gary stated that what Young Living is doing in Oman is his "Dream". To be able to:
1. Collect resin from location...knowing you are collecting the resin at the right time and to get all components from the resin in the EO.
2. Distill resin on location
3. To know we have the purest quality of resin available.
4. Knowing then that we have the purest quality of oil possible.
The 3rd cut of resin from the Frankincense tree is the better resin. Collection of the resin must be a sustainable process; we don't want the trees destroyed.
Frankincense is replacing steroids that are being use in our bodies. Steroids are caustic to live and the body itself, damaging the thyroid and parathyroid, damaging to the immune system. Frankincense has no side effects.
Emotions play a part in the degeneration of our bodies, our emotions. Emotions cause inflammation. Frankincense plays an important part in repairing our bodies and emotion state.
In 3 years, Frankincense could be used as chemotherapy....frankincense
oil as a whole (he thinks strongly) can be used for cancer therapy and used for chemo prevention.
Chew Frankincense resin and make teeth strong. Gary would like to formulate Frankincense toothpaste.....maybe sometime in the next 2 or 3 years.
Use Frankincense oil for all kinds of arthritis, chest infection, crone's disease, colitis, asthma.
In Yeman in hospitals, when we talked to them, they did not have cancer wards because there were not enough people with cancer. They use Frankincense! Only 4 cases of cancer and those 4 were not from the area of Yeman or Oman, but from outside of the area and just working in Oman.....so they don't count.
Quote Gary: "Frankincense is too beautiful to leave in the bushel basket any longer".
Richard writes:
"Frankincense was the first oil appointed by God himself'' D. Gary Young
Gary talked to us about a Legend on the first day of convention about the old people in Oman and surrounding areas told him. When God put Adam and Eve out of the Garden He gave them 3 things.
1. Frankincense
2. Myrrh
3. Balsam (also know as Gold)
God created different plants for different countries. Palo Santo is the Frankincense for the America's. Frankincense is oil for the old country.
We now have partners that do the distillation of Frankincense. One in Spain who has been with us for a long time and one in Kenya. And now we are the first company to distill in Oman our Sacred Frankincense which is from Boswell sacra. It is the rarest and most sought-after aromatic in existence. A deeper spiritual connection.
Gary reviewed the grading of Frankincense and the different species of Frankincense. To our competition he said "their oils are not even a good joke''. D. Gary Young.
Gary has spent many years (15 plus), in his quest for knowledge and finding the most perfect quality's of Frankincense. Now Young Living has two Frankincense: Boswellia carteri, the one we are used to and Boswellia sacra the new one. Now we have both. Our labs in France, Utah and Ecuador are set up for testing and share results. No company in the world has better testing than Young Living. ''We don't tell you it is a good oil, we prove it'' D. Gary Young. (The Frankincense which many of our competition uses is of poor quality and is more of a perfume grade and has no therapeutic value)
Thank you Rich & Shauna Dastrup for sharing this information!
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