Hi Everyone,
For all the new people to essential oils I thought I would write a little bit about what they are, those of use that have been using them for years sometimes forget that there are still a lot of people that really don't know what they are.
The goal of this message is to share educational information with you.
Let's begin.....
Essential Oils are aromatic liquids. They are distilled from flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds of plants. The distillation process is what makes essential oils so concentrated. It often requires an entire plant or more to produce a single drop of distilled essential oil. For example, it takes thousands of flower petals to create the drops that are in a single bottle of rose oil, and adding just one drop of peppermint oil to a glass of water has approximately the same concentration as 20 bags of tea. The practice of using essential oils is commonly referred to as aromatherapy, and is used for physical and psychological well-being.
The picture in the upper left corner is Ylang Ylang, it is a really beautiful sweet smelling fragrant plant and when Young Living distills it, it comes out smelling exactly like the leaves of the plant. BTW that picture was taken at the Young Living Farm in Ecuador by yours truly. Not every oil company can boast of having their own farms. Young Living takes pride in all of their farms.
Essential Oils have a millennium-long history of use in healing and in religious ceremony throughout the ancient world. Some, particularly frankincense, are repeatedly cited in many Judeo-Christian and Muslim religious texts. Others, such as myrrh, lotus, and sandalwood oils were widely used in ancient Egyptian purification and embalming rituals. Still others, such as clove and lemon, were highly valued as antiseptics hundreds of years before the discovery of modern antiseptics. In ancient times, oils were respected for both medicinal and their healing properties.
Mankind's First Medicine
Essential Oils are often referred to as "Mankind's First Medicine". In fact, there are over 200 references to aromatics, incense, and ointments throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (36 of the 39 books of the Old Testament and 10 of the 27 books of the New Testament mention essential oils or the plants that produce them.)
A note to readers: for best results, use only pure and natural products; referred to as therapeutic grade, like Young Living Essential Oils. I'll share more information about producing therapeutic-grade essential oils in later issues.
Here is the personal testimony of a Holistic Medical Professional, who understands the power of Essential Oils. "These essential oils truly represent the new frontier of medicine." --- Terry Friedmann, M.D., Co-founder of American Holistic Medical Association.
Please contact me for additional information. But stay tuned for additional info as well.
Charla Sirtoff
630 759 5494
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