When I was new to essential oils, something that
I learned really quickly was that there is a BIG (really important)
difference between the types of Essential Oils. For all I knew, oils were oils,
and even though I knew about lavender scented products in the grocery store I
had no idea about the possibilities of transforming my health, naturally, with
Essential Oils. Let me explain, all Young Living Essentials Oils are therapeutic
grade and Earth Kosher-Certified. That means care has been given to every
single drop, to ensure that the medicinal properties have been retained.
There are 4 Grades of Essential Oils:
• Grade
A oils are pure therapeutic quality and are usually made from organically grown
plants distilled at the proper temperatures using steam distillation.
• Grade
B oils are food grade; they may contain synthetics, pesticides, fertilizers,
extenders, or carrier oils.
• Grade
C oils are perfume grade and may contain the same type of adulterating
chemicals as food grade oils. They usually contain solvents which are used to
gain a higher yield of oil per harvest. Solvents are normally cancerous.
• Floral
Water is a byproduct of the distillation process, a very high quality if it
comes from a Grade A distillation process. Accordingly it is of low quality if
it comes from poor quality raw materials and or poor distillation processes. It
is usually found in skin and hair products.
BTW a word on Floral Water, Young Living does not sell Floral Water since the FDA requires the distiller to pasteurize it. As you know once something is pasteurized it kills the properties, so if you are buying floral water know that you are actually wasting your money. Young Living spreads their floral water back into the fields.
"I learned of the oils during a meeting
unrelated to essential oils and at a time when I was spending good money to
supplement my. I now know that essential oils greatly enhance the body's
absorption of nutrients , and add exponentially more concentrated effectiveness,
not to mention the almost intangible "feel good" benefits I am still
discovering. I call it Feeling Fitness as I believe the oils most profoundly
heal at the level of feelings and attitudes, in addition to the physical. I have always enjoyed the smell of some oils,
but it has taken me years to appreciate the inherent wisdom of how they work
within me, and the people I have had opportunity to share them with. Young
Living Essential Oils have brought me some very miraculous moments, and I'm
certain that they will bring you some too." Tim Owen
Do not be fooled! Young Livings oils are
therapeutic and medicinal. They are derived directly from the plant (as
intended by our Creator) not in a laboratory. They are never
extended/adulterated with chemicals. Don’t think that you can purchase less
expensive essential oils and get the same results. I made that mistake myself and for that
reason I thought like many people did that they really didn’t work or it was
just another gimmick.

Some people wonder why they do not get the
benefit they expected and conclude that essential oils do not have much value.
Most likely, they purchased either a synthetic or adulterated oils. Adulterated
and mislabeled essential oils present dangers for consumers. One woman who had
heard of the ability of lavender oil to heal burns used "lavender
oil" purchased from a local health food store when she spilled boiling
water on her arm. But the pain intensified and the burn worsened, so she later
complained that lavender oil was worthless for healing burns. When her
"lavender" oil was analyzed, it was found to be lavandin, the hybrid
lavender that is chemically very different from pure Lavandula angustifolia.
Lavandin contains high levels of camphor (12-18 percent) and can itself burn
the skin. In contrast, true lavender contains virtually no camphor and has burn
healing agents not found in lavandin.
Adulterated oils that are cut with synthetic
extenders can cause rashes, burning, and skin irritations. Solvents can all
cause allergic reactions, besides being devoid of any therapeutic effects. Even
so-called "nature identical" essential oils (structured essential
oils that have been chemically duplicated using 5 to 15 of the essential oil's
primary chemical compounds in synthetic form) can produce unwanted side effects
or toxicities. Isolated compounds may be toxic; however pure essential oils, in
most cases, are not. This is because natural essential oils contain hundreds of
different compounds, some of which balance and counteract each other's effects.
So, quality does matter -- and your health is
worth it. I'm available to speak with you about your Young Living products, and
to answer questions that you may have.
To your health,
Charla Sirtoff
Bolingbrook, IL.