Monday, April 19, 2010


I get asked all the time about allergies. Many people have this problem in one form or another. Allergies affect everyone differetly, some get that runny nose and itchy eye thing, some get heart palpitations, asthma, and even anaphylactic shock. So what do we do? First of all understand that the reaction is a reaction to the proteins of the substance. A pure therapueutic grade essential oils is free from the proteins of the whole plant. In fact a person could be allergic to a certain plant like goldenrod, but have no allgertic reation to the oil distilled from that plant since the oil itself contains no protein or amino acids that are the true source of the reactions to that plant. Simply that means you just can't be allergic to a pure grade essential oils. (See past posts) That is why I stick with Young Living because I know the lengths they go to making sure we have the best oils.

Now, that said I want to help you understand yet one more piece to the puzzle and that is our emotions. In today's world and especially if you watch and believe the news (another subject entirely) you are allowing emotions to be stirred up within yourself. Couple that with everyday living and your mental attitude, if you live in a chronically negative emotional state, like fear, anxiety, or even greif you haven't addressed, that will depress the production of interleukin 2. When that happens the immune system function is compromised. Interleukin 2 enables the immune system to distinguish good proteins from harmful ones. So without interleukin 2 the immune system will mistake harmless substances for harmful one and create antibodies which result in allergic reactions.

So are you understanding so far that our emotions play a huge roll? How can you change your state of mind? Many essential oils are emotionally releasing, which allows you to get to the root of the problem. Many Young Living oils have this ability. Frankinsence, Joy, Valor, Harmony, to name a few. One combination of oils that many use is as follows, Valor, Harmony, Joy, and White Angelica, I personally use that and also interchange Sacred Mountain for the White Angelica. Valor has Frankincense in it.

To put the pieces together then, since essential oils can address issues at both the emotional and cellular level, you can understand why many people will say that their allergies have disappeared after they began to use the oils on a regular basis.

Now many people when they begin to use the oils say they are allgergic to them you can see from the forgoing that it is simply not the case. Have you ever heard the expression, "sometimes you have to get worse before you get better"? When a person starts to use essential oils we recommend they start slowly because the oil molecules are so tiny they do absorb right into the cells pushing out all the yukkies in the cell. I always tell people to drink a lot of water to flush all that out of the system. Do that and you will be on your way to better health with no allergies. Remember there are hundreds of autoimmune diseases, an allergy is just one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You have a nice blog. I just thought of mentioning about this website They seem to offer specialized advice of dust mite allergy.
